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What is a Progressive Web App and its advantages

PWA comes from the English term Progressive Web App, or Progressive Web Application in Spanish. But what is it really? We could say that a PWA is halfway between a native application , which has previously been downloaded to a device, and a website that is viewed through a browser. That is, a PWA allows you to have direct access to a web page on your device and enjoy the user experience. From the user’s point of view it is like using an application developed from scratch for that site. When to use a PWA Maybe you are a business owner, freelance, self-employed, you are developing your personal project… and you are wondering how you could optimize your website to the maximum . Thanks to PWAs we can achieve greater fluidity, presence and usability for our business and our audience. Which makes it a perfect alternative for you.


How to convert a web page into an App

There are different technologies to have your own Progressive Web Application. It is necessary to meet a series of essential requirements : Make sure your Buy Cell Phone Number List  website is accessible via HTTPS , that is, have the SSL certificate . It must be responsive , so it must adapt to both desktop, mobile and tablet. It has to work in all browsers . Each page of the website must have its own URL . Have the W3C manifesto . This manifest is a JSON file that contains all the meta information for the PWA. In order to register the information. Service Worker is necessary . This is a JavaScript file that works in the background providing information between the network and the browser’s cache. Icon of your website, to display the thumbnail of the PWA. Image of the loading screen that will be displayed on some devices when the application is opened. In order to meet some of these requirements. It is necessary that the platform where you have your website hosted has the functionality to create Progressive Web Apps . In this way both the manifest and the Service Worker would be implemented automatically.

How a Progressive Web App works


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Taking into account all the essential requirements that we have mentioned in the previous section, we are going to explain how it works. If the platform where we Aust Data host our website has the functionality to create PWAs , we will see that we must fill out a series of very simple data, which will form part of our manifest. When configuring it , we must add the home URL.  It is essential to have contracted the SSL certificate . Once the manifest of our Progressive Web Application has been created correctly, it is the Service Worker’s turn . This JavaScript file is responsible for downloading a series of essential content from our website so that the device application works and in turn we can receive push notifications.
